Transfer Pricing Event 2016 – Vienna


September 2024


Transfer Pricing Event 2016 – Vienna

transfer pricing, event, invitation, tpa group

Building Blocks for Effective Transfer Pricing Management in CEE/SEE

Everyone does it and so do we: Let´s talk about BEPS!

Transfer Pricing topics are at the heart of the OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting(„BEPS“) Action Plan and the international tax game.

At our event we will present some of the building blocks for an effective transfer pricing system from the headquarter perspective and we will hold panel discussions with a multilateral view on some of the most relevant topics.

Benefit for headquarters: Compact information and orientation if action within the current transfer pricing framework is required.

Join the discussion on Transfer Prices

Transfer Pricing experts from different countries from Central and Southeastern Europe will present real-life approaches to transfer pricing methodology and documentation from the different local perspectives, namely from the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia and Poland.

Case Presentation & Moderation


Ivana Rotim, Director at TPA Serbia
Georgio Kandilarov, Manager at TPA Bulgaria
Juraj Tobak, Supervisor at TPA Slovakia
Petr Karpeles, Partner at TPA Czech Republic
Andreea Florian, Senior Manager TPA Romania
Remigiusz Fijak, Manager at TPA Poland

Transfer Pricing Program

Building Block: Implementation of transfer pricing systems post-BEPS
About state of the art benchmarking and pricing in Austria, Germany and CEE/SEE: current rules, BEPS and mandatory documentation

Intangibles post-BEPS
About the central role of intangibles and differing tax authority approaches

Documentation and litigation standards post-BEPS
About documentation standards, increasing transfer pricing conflicts and the mutual agreement procedures

Our Transfer Pricing services in CEE/SEE: Methodology, directives and documantation

Details and Registry for the Transfer Pricing event

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event. This event is free of charge. Simply register for this seminar online under

Date: Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Time: 6 pm
Location: TPA in Vienna
Praterstrasse 62 – 64
1020 Vienna

If you have questions regarding the registration, please contact Judith Regelsberger at +43 1 588 35-182

The seminar is supported by Headquarters Austria and our Baker Tilly Europe Alliance Partner Baker Tilly Roelfs.


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