360° View on Transfer Pricing in CEE/SEE


September 2024


360° View on Transfer Pricing in CEE/SEE

ceny transferowe, analiza benchmarkingowa

360° View on Transfer Pricing in CEE/SEE

OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting recommendations are being rolled out across the CEE/SEE region. However, the pace and the intensity of the tax authorities’ approach and actions in the CEE/SEE jurisdictions differ.

Are the new regulations just “much ado about nothing“? What is actually changing for your specific industry? What are the challenges that arise from the actions? What are the real risks in the CEE/SEE region resulting from the changing international tax landscape?

At our event we will present a 360° coverage of the key transfer pricing topics which we have seen emerging over the last year across industries and countries. We will discuss the real impact of the developments from the Austrian, German and CEE/SEE perspectives.

Benefit for headquarters:

All you need to know about current transfer pricing trends in the CEE/SEE region in 1.5 hours. The topics will be presented through practical cases and discussions.

Case Presentation & Moderation:

  • Iris Burgstaller, Partner TPA Austria

  • Carsten Hüning, Partner Baker Tilly Germany

  • Iris Burgstaller oraz Carsten Hüning to szefowie Globalnego Zespołu ds. Cen Transferowych Baker Tilly International.


  • Georgio Kandilarov, Manager TPA Bulgaria

  • Danijela Dobric Stanovic, Manager TPA Croatia

  • Jan Soska, Partner TPA Czech Republic

  • Remigiusz Fijak, Manager TPA Poland

  • Bogdan Voinescu, Dyrektor TPA Romania

  • Martina Gulasova, Manager TPA Slovakia


The event will be held in English.

6 pm Welcome Leopold Kühmayer, Partner TPA Austria

6:10 to 7:30 pm 360° Discussion

  • Internal tax control, Horizontal Monitoring and advance pricing agreements

  • Service and financing transactions

  • Transfer Pricing Documentation & Country by Country Reporting in CEE/SEE

  • Value Chain Analysis and Benchmarking

  • Risks of permanent establishments in distribution, logistic and manufacturing structures


Following the discussion we would be pleased to invite you to culinary delights from the buffet.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event!

Application for the seminar:

Simply register for this seminar online with a few clicks at events.tpa-group.at/TP2017

or use the following QR-code

tp event in Vienna, ceny transferowe, analiza benchamrkingowa, podmioty powiązane

If you have questions regarding the registration, please contact Judith Regelsberger, Tel.: +43 (1) 58835-182

This event is free of charge. However, the number of places is limited. Please secure your seat and register at the latest by 5 October 2017.


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