Labour law in Poland. A guide for employers

Labour law in Poland. A guide for employers

When entering a new market a company encounters various complexities. One of them is familiarize itself with a new set of employment laws and regulations. 

Doing business in Poland? 

TPA Poland experts prepared a general overview of the most important issues when employing employees in Poland. 

If you are an employer seeking to understand your legal obligations, this guide offers essential information to navigate Poland’s evolving labour landscape. 

The publication will enable you to learn about the specificity of Polish regulations and principles of employee settlement, ensuring compliance with national standards and safeguarding employees’ rights. 

What’s included: 

  • Tax Identification Number 
  • Social Insurance Institution and company social funds 
  • Obligatory trainings and examinations 
  • Employee Capital Plans 
  • Work regulations 
  • Holiday limits and absence regulations 
  • Sick leave  
  • Parental benefits 
  • Remuneration payment schedule 

Download the publication:

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