Tax reliefs

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IT & Middle Market

Analysis of opportunities for relief and implementation support.

Based on the know-how and expertise of our tax advisors, we provide comprehensive support in the process of implementation of IP BOX, which is a form of preferential taxation of income generated by specific intellectual property rights – at the rate of 5% (PIT/CIT).

Cooperation includes:

  • Analysis of business activities in terms of IP BOX implementation
  • Drafting an application for an individual interpretation
  • Verification of your internal documentation in order to secure your right to IP BOX relief
  • Preparing a recordkeeping procedure for IP BOX purposes
  • Preparing revenue calculations for the IP BOX purposes
  • Cyclical IP BOX Tax Audits
  • Support at the entire phase of settling the IP BOX relief
  • Representation in any verification activities regarding the use of the IP BOX

More about the IP BOX


Based on the experience and know-how of our tax advisors, we provide comprehensive support in the process of implementation of R&D tax relief, which is a form of additional improvement of the company’s cash flow through the possibility of making additional deductions from income.

Cooperation includes:

  • Analysis of business activities in terms of R&D relief implementation
  • Analysis of expenses in terms of their eligibility for relief
  • Drafting an application for an individual interpretation
  • Preparing a recordkeeping procedure for R&D purposes
  • Preparing a calculation of qualified expenses for the purpose of accounting for R&D tax relief
  • Cyclical tax audits on the correctness of accounting for the R&D tax credit
  • Ongoing support throughout the entire phase of settling the R&D tax relief
  • Representation in any verification activities regarding the use of the R&D relief
  • Verification of the possibility and validity of obtaining the status of a research and development center entitling to higher deductions

More about the R&D relief



The authors are entitled to 50% tax-deductible costs for the use or transfer of their copyrights. For example, programmers or developers of computer games and applications may benefit from increased copyright costs. This tax preference makes it possible to offer a more attractive compensation scheme to employees/creators, which in practice translates into the latter earning a higher net salary.

More about the TAX relief for IT


This is a brand new solution introduced as of 2020 to provide incentives for small and medium-sized companies to reinvest profits. The tax preferences consist in a deferral of the need to pay tax until the distribution of profits, a reduction in the effective tax rate on profits earned and distributed, and the absence of the need to maintain separate accounting records for tax purposes.

Estonian CIT is dedicated to capital companies owned by natural persons with revenues not exceeding PLN 100 million. This solution may be advantageous to, among others, many Polish family businesses and may constitute an alternative to activities so far conducted in the form of partnerships.

Our advisors will help you with:

  • determining the applicability of Estonian CIT (in particular, by verifying investment plans and conditions for transition to Estonian CIT)
  • determining the cost-effectiveness of Estonian CIT in comparison with other tax reliefs and incentives (e.g. application of IP-Box, R&D relief, tax exemptions for taxpayers operating in special economic zones and the Polish investment zone)
  • determining the minimum level of capital expenditures and identifying expenditures in terms of meeting the conditions for the application of Estonian CIT
  • determining the profitability of switching to the Estonian CIT model, depending on upcoming development plans and based on forecasts
  • determining the amount of tax related to the transition to Estonian CIT, including at the stages of adjusting the legal form to the requirements of the preference (e.g. by a conversion into a capital company)
  • securing the tax situation by preparing an application for an individual interpretation


The Ministry of Finance plans to introduce legislation for a robotization relief in mid-2021. Its aim is to increase automation leading to improved production efficiency, lowering its costs and, as a result, increasing the competitiveness of Polish companies.

The preference is to be based on the possibility to additionally deduct 50% of the costs incurred for investments in robotization (including expenses related to leasing and training for employees) from income.

The relief will not be dedicated to selected taxpayers (e.g. based on the criteria of the industry or the size of the enterprise) – any entrepreneur who meets the conditions will be able to use the preference.

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