Ever-stronger competition and the volatility of the business environment are driving entrepreneurs to constantly seek improvements and reduce costs within various operational areas. Outsourcing of auxiliary services – including accounting, and HR&payroll – unlike their implementation in the in-house form, exhibits a number of advantages, such as risk mitigation, guaranteed continuity, cost-effectiveness or freeing up strategic resources. Our experience shows that an appropriate accounting and payroll outsourcing structuring provides tangible value to entrepreneurs. It enables the implementation of the same tasks in a manner that is safe from the regulatory perspective, including in terms of taxes (compliance), and safe, because it is, among others, based on the latest technological tools and efficiently updated know-how.
Optimised reporting provides management personnel with quick preview of required financial metrics and management data. Outsourcing waives the challenges associated with employment continuity and keeping qualified specialists, and also significantly reduces the costs related to implementing and administering IT systems. Finally, the fact that the management board is administratively relieved, thus freeing up the resources required to effectively make decision in strategic and core-business issues is not without significance.
For whom?
Our accounting and payroll outsourcing services are aimed at:
- international companies that require support in relation to local accounting, tax and HR regulations,
- large- and medium-sized enterprises that do not have in-house accounting or HR departments,
- enterprises from industries with stringent regulatory requirements that must satisfy specific legal, settlement and tax obligations,
- corporate companies that aim to focus on their core business, while completing all formalities in line with applicable regulations.
Accounting and payroll outsourcing services are provided by qualified specialist teams in a comprehensive manner, under observance of highest professionalism and legal compliance standards. Our key objectives associated with providing effective, continuous and seamless accounting and payroll service include, among others:
- professional orientation at the initial stage of the cooperation, preceded by detailed analysis of the business and client needs in terms of accounting and payroll, and the determination of cooperation extent,
- application of modern and proven systems, as well as accounting and HR tools,
- continuous monitoring of legislative amendments relevant to the provided service,
- detailed and timely reporting, as well as information exchange, in line with adopted templates and arrangements.