The construction industry is a segment that is crucial in creating infrastructure and spaces required for social and business development. As in the case of highly complex environments, also construction encounters strong specialisation. Large-volume, residential and commercial construction or the infrastructural subsector associated with erecting and retrofitting such structures as roads, bridges, airports, railway lines or power systems operate under diverse regulatory and competition conditions. Each of the construction subsectors experiences also dynamically changing technologies or task implementation methods, e.g., due to environmental or material standards or standards associated with sustainability and security. This means that despite apparent similarities, subsequent construction projects require a non-routine approach and continuous knowledge updates.
The knowledge and experience of our legal, tax and financial advisors, accountants and experts support Polish and international construction companies in performing all kinds of contracts.
For whom?
Domestic and international construction companies, developers, specialised subcontractors, as well as vendors of goods and services within the construction, installation or fitting process.
We assist enterprises seeking support in identifying and indemnifying contractual risks, feasibility studies and financial models for pioneering or large-scale implementations, as well as tax liability settlements.
We support construction companies at each project implementation stage – from the concept, through execution, hand-over and commissioning, to warranty and guarantee settlement. We help to identify and minimise risk, optimise processes and achieve assumed business goals in a competitive manner.
We offer, in particular:
- consulting at the development/pre-construction stage – we provide support in feasibility studies, tax planning and creating financial models that help optimise costs and identify potential risks at the preparatory stage,
- permanent construction establishment settlement – depending on the country of residence of a construction company, project implementation in Poland may entail the generation of a so-called permanent establishment and limited CIT- and VAT-related liability. We help to determine if and when such an obligation arises in relation to a given project, and provide support in collect settlement,
- contract valuation – we offer valuation of construction projects for the purposes of project milestone/stage accounting,
- contract performance support – we provide legal, accounting and tax advice in relation to day-to-day contract performance issues, including staffing,
- financial audit – we audit financial statements as per local and international financial auditing standards. We also offer specialised analyses and reviews,
- accounting and tax outsourcing – we provide accounting and day-to-day tax settlement services for special purpose vehicles, foreign capital companies, foreign company branches, permanent establishments or other legal forms enabling contract performance,
- legal representation – we represent our clients in the course of tax, as well as court and administration proceedings, protecting their interests in the event of disputes or regulatory challenges.
Our services are provided by teams composed of experts from a variety of fields, such as business consultants, valuation specialists, as well as tax, accounting and legal advisors. Our interdisciplinary expert team holds vast project-related experience in providing consulting and outsourcing services for construction companies.