Transaction consulting
Why? Transaction is the essence of business development. Whether an initial investment in assets or a permanent component of a business model based on unlimited growth through mergers and acquisitions, each enterprise at some point encounters a business opportunity, which a new transaction is. If company acquisition or significant assets of a different type is […]
Corporate Finance
Why? The finances of companies are covered by the Corporate Finance service area, which develops solutions that improve funding source effectiveness, capital structure and return on investments. Corporate finance consulting primarily focuses on maximising value for investors and shareholders via short- and long-term financial planning and selecting the appropriate tools. The outcomes of corporate finance […]
ESG Consulting
Why? ESG, as a new regulatory standard, is in the spotlight of entrepreneurs, a majority of which has already had to adapt to the new requirement. Compliance with ESG standards is a new field of expectations by investors, business partners, clients or employees. Pursuant to the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), sustainability reports are […]
Fiscal representative
What for? An entity that does neither have a registered office nor a permanent place of business in any of EU Member States, yet conducts activities subject to VAT taxation in Poland, has the obligation to act via a so-called fiscal representative. A fiscal representative not only represents its client, but also is jointly and […]
Accounting Outsourcing
Why? Accounting outsourcing means a complete or partial takeover of processes related to bookkeeping and day-to-day tax settlements of an entity, as well as associated obligations, e.g., in terms of financial reporting, financial report audit handling or day-to-day communication with tax authorities. A detailed scope of the service is individually fine-tuned on a case-specific basis […]
Payroll Administration
Why? The scope of domestic legislation directly impacting the HR and payroll area is growing gradually and rapidly. These include tax, civil law, labour law and social security regulations. This is topped up with the practice of their application by tax offices and ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), State Labour Inspectorate and administrative courts, which evolves […]
Legal advisory
Why? Regulatory systems in developed economies are constantly becoming increasingly more complex, which is associated with economic growth per se. This leads to the creation of new, previously unknown business opportunities, and also risks that have not yet been identified. The implementation of business plans by each enterprise requires due diligence in terms of identifying […]
Auditing services
Why? Balance sheet auditing is a standard assurance service in the field of compliance with the legislation, reporting reliability and transparency, tax return correctness, etc. on the one hand, but also an opportunity to contribute significant added value in the area of business effectiveness and competitiveness, resource management optimisation and financial security on the other. […]
Risk review, quick review projects
Breaching the arm’s length principle in transactions between affiliated entities exposes the entities to a tax audit risk, additional estimation of income by tax authorities, and thus, the emergence of tax arrears, accruing interest on these arrears, long-term and burdensome disputes with tax authorities, sanctions imposed on the entity, as well as penal and fiscal […]
TP-related policy and planning
Adopted principles related to settlements in transactions between affiliated entities should correspond to the actual involvement of individual entities in generating added value and the associated risks. Of course, the transfer pricing policy should take into account the business objectives of the group and its individual entities, nonetheless, it should also ensure profit allocation as […]